About Us
Bulilima district is situated in the western side of Zimbabwe in Matabeleland South Province. The district is bordered by Mangwe district in the South, Tsholotsho district in the north, Umguza district in the east and the Republic of Botswana in the west. It spans an area of 715 545,4549 hectares. Bulilima has twenty-two wards of which seventeen are communal, three are old resettlement, one small scale commercial farming area and one ward which comprises large scale commercial farming area, A1, A2 and A3 resettlement models.
Meet The Team
Bulilima Rural District concil is under the leadership of Councillor L. Ndebele (Chairperson) and Mr B. Mulauzi (CEO) and Councillors

Cllr L. Ndebele Chairperson
